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TCA with Deep Cleanse & Oxygen

TCA (trichloroacetic acid) peel is a type of chemical peel that uses a solution containing TCA to remove the outer layers of damaged skin cells. TCA peels are considered medium-depth peels, meaning they penetrate deeper into the skin than superficial peels but not as deep as deep peels.

During a TCA peel, the solution is applied to the skin and left on for a specific period of time before being neutralized and removed. The TCA penetrates the skin to stimulate collagen production and encourage cell turnover, which can help to improve the texture, tone, and overall appearance of the skin.

TCA peels can be used to address a variety of skin concerns, including fine lines and wrinkles, sun damage, acne, and uneven skin tone.

Free Deep cleanse with oxygen therapy included

Value of the treatment $550 | Deal price $225

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