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Advanced Glow Peel

Glow Peel is an advanced acne treatment to leave your skin looking clearer, brighter and glowing.
Extraction of impurities and blackheads, followed by dermaplaning, to remove the top dead skin cells and peach fuzz, leaving the skin feeling soft and smooth. Then a targeted treatment to remove congestion is performed, so that the pores remain unblocked. Next a Hyaluronic serum infusion is performed to flush the toxins and hydrate skin from within, longer lasting effects.
A formulated chemical peel is applied that penetrates the skin’s surface to target in healing the acne, reduces the hyperpigmentation,scarring, control breakouts.
Oxygen therapy delivers a burst of oxygen to the skin, stimulating cell regeneration, also providing anti bacterial effect and sterilization, reduce inflammation and improve overall skin health.This reveals brighter, more even-toned skin and can also stimulate collagen production, which improves the skin’s texture providing a natural healthy glow.

Value of the treatment $600 | Deal price $200

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